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Looking at the future.


As my penultimate semester at university comes to a close its time to look further into my lifes ambitions as whole and what I want to do after university, or if i want to stay on for a bit longer.

One of the big choises I currently have to make over christmas is wether i think I could benifit from doing a masters or not.

The masters course at the university of cumbria is MA Creative Practice. In this course i could continue my studies into film, and create another film for my growing portfolio. The main benift from doing a masters in my eyes is to have an MBA. This would give me an advantage in the industry if i wanted to move in to a career path.

If i was to move into a career after university I would look at being a camera person for the BBC as a starting role. As going straight into directing is unrealistic, I would like to start working with camera's more. This wouldnt just give me a start in the industry but it would also improve my knowledge of cameras more, improving the quality of my personal projects that would become a side matter - if i was to choose this route.

I would like to work on Doctor Who in some way, as its my favourite proggrame of all time and it would be a dream come true to have a direct involvment in the making of the show.

The BBCs Carrer service always has some kind of vaccancies to be filled and they favour young blood leaving university not nessesarally for financial reasons but with the hope that they can create long lasting careers for young people.

Although going straight into a career would set me up conftorably for at least a while. My main ambition is to stay independant after university, and put full comitment into my work and finding ways to get it made.

This is another reason why a master's may be a good option for me as i can continue my studies and work on more portfolio work while still being in education.

One of the options in my life im toying with is to move back to Canada, and meet filmakers there - Canada is famously known for its huge open land that many films have been shot in, and maybe going back to my homeland would give me a boost of creativity and motivation to find the sucess I want.

Overall, if one things for sure after university my films will always be being submitted to festivals, i will continue to network, and ill still enjoy filmaking!


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