For halloween this year I made a little short called A dream of death, an unscripted, improvised little project which featured members of my family and was shot by myself and my mam using rather primative lighting and equiptment.
I got the idea for the short after watching Robert Rodriguez's 'Red 11' which was shot on a budget of $7000. It inspired me to make a short film using only as little as i had. So i made it using myh own Canon 1100d and a singular LED portable light. With fake blood bought by my mam for a pound - it brought the total budget of the short to - a pound!
A short movie for a pound!

Much like a young John Carpenter i also scored the film, the music was made using garage band on my own ipad, exported and put into the edit.
Editing took a few hours to complete but i exported it in 21:9 as i always believe widescreen can make a smaller production shine just a bit more!
You can chedck out the full short below on my youtube page, its also currently the previewed video on the top of my website!