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Why I Believe Work Experience Is Important


I believe it shouldn't need to be said why work experience is important, it just is. Its the foundation of what you'll eventually as a full time professional. It is the ground floor of the highest tower and it only keeps rising.

Work experience helps you understand your surroundings in the professional environment more and will help home you into the career that you would like. Working alongside other people who maybe have a higher skill set than you, or have already grasped the careers they want is so important as you can examine how they react and participate in projects and groups so that you can see how you could improve yourself over time and reach the same levels.

An example of work experience I participated in this year was working on the Year 2s final project while I was still in year one. This gave me an insight into my own future somewhat, what I will be working on this year, but apart from that I also got to see more developed film makers in their own natural habitats doing their own things, and i learned a lot from my month helping them with their project. I got to learn how to use a few more advanced cameras that I hadn't used before, and also got my first real insight on what making a full pilot stile episodic story was like, only previously working on short scale productions before, whereas i was working on a 20 minute length short this time.

This shows how work experience can come from anywhere, as i simply volunteered to help and in so helping learned a lot more my

self about the course and what its like making a short film.

I would strongly recommended just looking further in to things as well, as work experience doesn't have to come in the form of a job or an apprenticeship or volunteer work, it could be as simple as signing up for a free online course, or watching analytic videos, or just talking to new people online. Work Experience is the art of looking into something your patinate in, and gaining new knowledge of it.

Therefore, I believe Work Experience is important as without it you cant really get into a career, its just an abbreviation for learning.

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